Aura Cleansing Bath Ritual

Clearing your Auric Field is necessary Spiritual Hygiene. Doing so keeps us sovereign in our own energy. On days when your energy is feeling heavier than usual you can lean into these Earth Guides for support. This bath ritual will help to purify your field, and release stagnant and unwanted energy.

Ritual Tools:

  • Palm Full of Black Lava Salt (you can substitute for Himalayan salt)

  • 3-7 Sprigs of Rosemary

  • 1 piece Smokey Quartz

Black Lava Salt, Rosemary and Smokey Quartz are amazing Earth Guides that are here to support us with their grounding, purifying and protective energy. They will help to release stagnant and unwanted energies.

How To:

Step One: Begin to fill the bath tub with hot water. Add in a palm full of Black Lava Salt, and the Springs of Rosemary

Step Two: Once the bath tub is full, stir the water with your hand setting the intention to work with the elements of this bath to cleanse and release

Step Three: Enter the bath and place Smokey Quartz on your belly button, allowing it to pull out any dense energies

Step Four: When you feel your energy shift and are ready exit the bath, leave the Smokey Quartz in the water while it drains. Allowing all of the dense energy to wash down the drain.

Step Five: After the water has drained remove your Smokey Quartz piece and cleanse with your favorite plant guide.


Protection from EMF’s


Tangerine Quartz + My Healing Journey