Earth Guides For Cancer Season

Mugwort & Moonstone

Before we share about the Earth Guides themselves let’s talk a little bit about Cancer Season. This is the time when the sun is in the Zodiac Sign of Cancer. The sun is in a Zodiac sign for about a month’s time.

Cancer is ruled by the Element of Water which represents our emotions and intuition. It is also ruled by the Moon which represents our inner most self and is associated with the Feminine. The archetypal energy is The Mother.

When the Sun is in Cancer these energies are more present making it a perfect time to go within, connect to your intuition, nurture yourself and make your home a sanctuary.

We chose Moonstone and Mugwort as guides for the season because they both help us to strengthen and connect to our intuition and sixth sense.


Moonstone balances yin/yang energies within us, allowing clarity of mind + focus.

She is a guide in dream space and an awakener of intuition.


Like Cancer Mugwort is ruled by the moon. Having a Latin name Artemisia named after Artemis the Moon Goddess.

She guides us into deep awareness within our own being, strengthening our intuition.

She helps us travel between worlds, making a great dream space guide.

Caution: Avoid Mugwort during pregancy

To Connect with These Earth Guides Try This Bath Ritual. Save it to Pinterest and come back to it later.

This is a great Ritual to do during the Cancer New Moon or anytime you want to connect with the energies of Moonstone and Mugwort.

You will need:

  • 4tbs of Baking Soda

  • Moonstone

  • Mugwort *

  • White Candle

  • Pen + Sticky Note

*Note on Mugwort: If you can pre gather fresh Mugwort, when you find a plant ask permission, leave an offering and clip the top 1/3 allowing the plant to regrow. Gather in gratitude. If you don't know where to find fresh Mugwort dried is okay. Avoid during pregnancy.

How to:

Turn on the water in your bathtub envisioning the water is filled with wisdom, and light that will clear your channel.

Thank and bless the water for the healing that is about to happen.

Add in the baking soda to cleanse and soften the water.

Place the Mugwort in the bath tub as it fills up and invite in and give gratitude to the Plant Spirit of Mugwort.

Prepare your heart to connect with Moonstone by placing your intention into her, asking her to raise your vibration for clarity.

Place your Moonstone in the water.

As the Mugwort and Moonstone Infuse into the bath water. Take your white candle, clear it with the smoke of your earth guide of choice, or your breath and write your intention on it with a marker, you can use also use a sticky note or just air write.

Light the candle, then submerge yourself in the water and relax.


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Dear Starseed,