Dear Starseed,

The earth called us here, everyone that is reading this is an Earth ambassador. We were pulled from all over our universe to be here now. We each came with a light, it's not a light that others can see until we see it within ourselves.

Mama Gaia, the earth below our feet, where we get our nourishment our shelter our air, our water. She is crying, she is begging us to wake up to why we are here.

If you feel left out of this current reality, if you feel lost in internal mourning for our earth, if you feel like your voice is too small. It's not!!

We are connecting, we are activating a grid of light.

We are the ones the Earth has been waiting for!

Earth Light Grid Activation: Take a cup of water outside, pour a little bit on the earth, put your hands in the soil, slow down to feel the vibration of her, send the light within you to the parts of the earth that need that light, the parts that are burning. This small action will be felt, this small action will further connect the grid.


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