3 Crystal Healing Sessions - Protect, Heal and Thrive!
In your personalized Crystal Reiki Healing you will feel where your energy is blocked. You will learn how to align with crystalline energy to walk towards your highest version. I will Identify energetic blocks and start the process of removing them. You will gain a greater understanding of how your energy works and how crystals can guide you. You will leave with a Crystal Grid with 22-33 crystals to enhance the healing energy
Candle magick will be included with each session and a candle reading will be given.
I will create a personalized Crystal Vibrational Attunement Elixir to continue the healing at a cellular level!
Ideal for couples and families to heal together.
3 Crystal Healing Sessions ($666 value) + Personalized Crystal Grid ($150value)
+ Personalized Crystal Vibrational Attunement Elixir ( $33 value)
This offer is for in person and virtual healing sessions